Your creative energy will hold your life in check until it is released.
That energy will block not only your feelings, turning them to tension, pain, and despair, but it will also block your very experience of life.
We each one of us are a type of god: our creation is our being. We cannot fully exist without it.
Is it hopelessness you feel when you look at all the work you want to get done? And is it work that you want done or work that stands in the way of work you want done?
Either way, the energy waits. And you are not alone among people if you feel a twisting of panicked shame around the crown the head, somewhere in your gut, wherever… the unreleased energy will find its place to wait.
Creative energy holds everything in check. It can wait till you die, or you can become you and be it in the world
*But start with creative energy: be that creative energy and what else is in your life will fit and flow and find release, even the fear of death, which is only another disguised place of waiting.
Now read this passage by Martin Buber, and feel no regret other than as a step forward:
“Transformation here means much more than regret and penance. Transformation means that we humans who have lost ourselves in the confusion of our egotism, who have constantly made ourselves the goal, can finally find our way to God by turning our entire being around. That means finding our way to fulfill the unique task that God has ordained for us as unique individuals. Regret can be no more than the motivation to activate the turning. But torturing ourselves again and again with regret—and agonizing over the inadequacy of our penance—robs the turning of its effective strength.”
from The Way of Man: According to Hasidic Teaching by Martin Buber